We all know that we should warm up, but how many of us are really in the habit?
Here are a couple of a super simple routines that will get you running better and more importantly help keep you injury free.
Read more about why we should warm up and what is happening in the body when we do in this article:
On the trail
At home
Strength training has been shown to reduce the risk of injury in runners as well as increasing performance and helping you to recover faster. But why is this and where should you start?
Better running - Strength training for runners
Ankle strength and stability
This simple 5 minute circuit will help to keep your ankles strong for longer distances and technical trails.
Read more about why strong ankles matter in this article:
Better Running - Ankle strength and stability
There is more to mobility than just stretching! Foam rolling can help reduce the tension in the muscles and building strength through your full range of motion of your joints will improve your overall mobility.
Adding plyometric exercises to our training will improve our ability to make fast, powerful muscle contractions. This will increase the speed and efficiency of our general running and give us more control and endurance on steep descents.